Business growth after using Saddle Business growth after using Saddle

Saddle vs Angi: Why Organic Growth is Better

When it comes to growing a service business, professionals often consider various tools and platforms. Two popular options are Angi (formerly Angie’s List) and Saddle. While Angi offers paid leads, Saddle emphasizes building your business organically. In this post, we’ll compare the two approaches and explain why focusing on organic growth can lead to a healthier, more resilient business.

Understanding Angi and Saddle

Angi ( is a platform where service providers can pay to receive leads. These leads are potential customers who are looking for specific services in their area. Angi connects these customers with businesses that match their needs, but service providers have to pay for these leads, regardless of whether they convert into actual jobs. Paying $50 to $100 for a lead can quickly become expensive, especially if many of these leads don’t convert into actual jobs. This can result in a significant financial burden for small businesses.

Saddle ( is designed to help businesses grow organically. Instead of relying solely on paid leads, Saddle provides tools that enhance your online presence, improve customer relationships, and build a steady stream of organic traffic and referrals. The goal is to create a self-sustaining business model that doesn’t depend on continuous lead purchases. This approach can save companies from spending loads of money on leads that sometimes don’t convert into jobs.

Overall feature comparison:




Provides QR Codes

Public Profile Page

Unlimited Professional Promos

Customer App

Free leads

Provides QR Codes

Saddle offers QR codes that you can use in your marketing materials. These codes link directly to your business profile, making it easier for customers to find and contact you. Angi does not provide this feature, meaning you miss out on this convenient marketing tool.

Public Profile Page

With Saddle, you get a public profile page where customers can learn more about your services, read reviews, and get in touch with you directly. This transparency helps build trust and attract more organic traffic. Angi does not offer a dedicated public profile page, limiting your online visibility.

Unlimited Professional Promos

Saddle allows you to run unlimited promotional campaigns to attract new customers and retain existing ones. This can include discounts, special offers, and loyalty programs. Angi, on the other hand, focuses on paid lead generation and does not offer tools for running your own promos.

Free Leads

One of the standout features of Saddle is that the leads you receive are free. By enhancing your online presence and customer relationships, you generate leads organically without having to pay for each one. Angi charges for every lead, which can add up quickly and eat into your profits.

Special Offer: Free for the First 200 Pros

To help service businesses get started with organic growth, Saddle is offering free access to the first 200 professionals who sign up. This is a great opportunity to experience the benefits of Saddle without any upfront costs. Take advantage of this offer to enhance your online presence and start generating free, organic leads today.

The Case for Organic Growth

Relying on paid lead generation platforms like Angi can be tempting because they promise quick results. However, there are several reasons why focusing on organic growth with Saddle is a better long-term strategy:

  1. Cost Efficiency: Paying $50 to $100 per lead can become outrageously expensive, especially if many of those leads don’t convert into actual customers. With Saddle, you invest in tools and strategies that yield free, organic leads over time, reducing your marketing costs.
  2. Sustainability: Building a business on paid leads is like building a house on sand – it’s not stable. Organic growth strategies create a solid foundation for your business, ensuring steady and reliable customer acquisition.
  3. Customer Trust: Customers are more likely to trust businesses they find through organic searches and referrals. A strong online presence, positive reviews, and direct customer interactions build credibility and foster trust.
  4. Brand Recognition: As you grow organically, your brand becomes more recognizable. This increases your chances of being the go-to service provider in your area, further driving word-of-mouth referrals and repeat business.


While Angi offers a quick fix with paid leads, Saddle provides a sustainable solution for long-term business growth. By focusing on building your online presence, nurturing customer relationships, and generating organic leads, you create a resilient business that can weather market fluctuations and continue to thrive.

Investing in organic growth with Saddle not only saves you money but also ensures that your business stands out in a crowded market. It’s time to move beyond dependency on lead generation companies and take control of your business’s future.

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